
Registration Process
Applications are available in the school office for Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade. It is not our policy to consider the acceptance of students into the 8th grade unless they are transferring from another Catholic school.
Required Documentation
Completed applications with the following documentation should be returned to the office as soon as possible; before the deadline given:
- Birth certificate
- Baptismal Certificate
- Copy of last Report Card
- First Communion Certificate (if applicable)
- Copy of Standardized test
- Student Health Certificate & Immunization records*
Re-registration applications for the next school year are sent home in January. These registration applications must be returned to school by the designated date with the registration fee for each child. Any applications not received by the designated date will be considered as openings for the next school year and the vacancies will be filled from the waiting list. The waiting list opens the first week of February. Re-registration will NOT be accepted for any families that have delinquent accounts.
Waiting List
When space becomes available, a brother or sister of those presently enrolled in school will be accepted first. Other students will be processed according to the date when all the registration procedures have been completed and in accordance with the order of acceptance for admission.
Tuition and Fees
Please click for our “Tuition and Fees Information” or please contact the school office by using our contact form, or by calling (305) 222-8751.