Programs and services at SAS are designed around the main goal of the school which is to prepare students to proclaim the Gospel and to translate it into action. Thus, incorporating these aims into the SAS philosophy: helping students achieve self-fulfillment through loving service to society and attaining their own spiritual fulfillment. SAS programs and services, just as the education, seeks to develop a student’s potential, thus helping them accomplish all that is possible for them: becoming fully integrated, happy, loving, warm human beings.
A nutritious meal is a healthy start to a knowledgeable mind.
Every day there are two complete meals a student can choose from for a fixed price, depending on the grade level of the student:
Each student will have a lunch account that can be funded via online deposits (made with an ACH payment from checking or savings account, or with a credit card). Each child’s account is updated nightly so the account balance information and payments will be current as of the following day. In order to take advantage of the Student Debit Accounts service, parents are required to create a parent account by visiting to be My Meal Magic Account. Any questions regarding the Student Debit Accounts should be directed to (305) 222-8751, ext. 1254 . CLICK HERE TO APPLY at Meal Magic Family Portal

Online Book Store
Textbooks and workbooks for grades K-8 are sold to all parents by going to the St. Agatha bookstore online. Books will not be rented.
Students grades and more are available through PlusPortals.

Extracurricular Activities
St. Agatha provides various types of extracurricular activities which are designed to meet the needs of and to develop the talents of our students. We do believe that the daily academic work of the student must always remain the first priority.
- Altar Servers
- Lectors
- St. Paul Ministry
- Liturgical Dance
- Safety Patrols
- Student Council
- Choir
- Cheerleading
- Media Kids
- Art Club
- Book Club
- Chess Club
- Yearbook
- Photography Club
- Story Time
For a student to be academically eligible to participate in an after school activity, the following criterion must be met:
- The student must maintain an overall “C” average
- The student may not receive an ”F” (or “U”) in any subject area on their progress report or report cards.
- Student conduct will be closely monitored and will be a determining factor for that student’s continued stay on the team.
- The final decision as to student participation will be left to the sponsor/coach and the principal.
St. Agatha Catholic School hosts and participates in a number of organizations in support of enhancing the school and student’s experience.
Home and School Association (HSA)
At St. Agatha we are blessed to have a very active Home and School Association. All parents are automatically members in this group. The purpose of the HSA is to strengthen Christian unity between the School, Home, Church, and Community. Additionally, the HSA provides crucial support and financial assistance for all the “extras” that enhance our program.
School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council consists of parents and parishioners that are selected by the Pastor in consultation with the Principal. It is their responsibility to advise the school administration in the areas of policy proposals, finances, development of long and short term goals, recruitment of students, etc. It is this Council that also reacts to major concerns of our parents in the above mentioned areas.
Additional Organizations and Events
- Amor en Acción
- Holy Childhood Association
- High School Academic Olympics
- National Junior Honor Society
- Hispanic Heritage Festival
- Invent-a-thon
- Science Fair
Saint Agatha Catholic School (SAS) places great emphasis on integrating modern technology with the basic principles of Catholic education to enhance the learning process. Regardless of the subject or grade level, a solid grasp of technology skills is fostered at SAS each and every day. In all classrooms we strive to uphold a curriculum that correlates with the National Technology Standards for Students (NETS). In addition, our school follows an Acceptable Use Policy to promote safe and ethical use of the Internet and all other technologies. Technology has become an essential part of daily life and we incorporate cutting-edge technology at SAS to enrich the ways in which our teachers teach and our students learn. Below are examples of how technology is integrated at SAS:
- Teachers and administrators participate in ongoing and useful professional development courses online.
- Smart classrooms feature interactive whiteboards and projectors to make learning engaging and interactive.
- Modern web tools, resources, and robust networks expand and support the world of learning for our students.
Technology is constantly evolving, and so is SAS. In the 2011-2012 school year, online textbooks were incorporated in the middle shool grades, in addition to the use of laptops by all students in these grades.